Daniel Martins-de-Souza

Daniel Martins-de-Souza


Daniel´s main expertise is in mass spectrometry-based proteomics and metabolomics and systems biology in silico, employed in clinical and pre-clinical models for psychiatric disorders. His lab also focuses on understanding the involvement of glial cells in the development of diseases such as schizophrenia and depression and their treatment including traditional antipsychotics and cannabinoids. Searching for protein and metabolite biomarkers associated with these disorders in human fluids is also one of the focuses of his group. More recently,Daniel´s group has been investigating how does COVID-19 affects the human brain.

Keywords: Proteomics, metabolomics, biomarkers, psychiatry, mass spectrometry


Ph.D. - University of Campinas, Brazil

Post-doc - Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, Germany

Post-doc - University of Cambridge, United Kingdom





Elected as Affiliated Member of the São Paulo Academy of Sciences (ACIESP) (2019)

Elected as Affiliated Member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (ABC) (2017)

Congratulation Vote from the University Council's (2016)

CNPq Research Productivity Fellowship (2015)

Best PhD thesis of the postgraduate program “Molecular and Functional Biology” (2009)

Selected Publications

Falvella ACB, Smith BJ, Silva-Costa LC, Valença AGF, Crunfli F, Zuardi AW, Hallak JE, Crippa JA, de Almeida V, Martins-de-Souza D. Cannabidiol Displays Proteomic Similarities to Antipsychotics in Cuprizone-Exposed Human Oligodendrocytic Cell Line MO3.13. Front Mol Neurosci. 2021 May 28;14:673144.
doi: 10.3389/fnmol.2021.673144

Garcia-Rosa S, Carvalho BS, Guest PC, Steiner J, Martins-de-Souza D. Blood plasma proteomic modulation induced by olanzapine and risperidone in schizophrenia patients. Proteomics. 2020 Jul 30;224:103813.
doi: 10.1016/j.jprot.2020.103813

Nascimento JM, Saia-Cereda VM, Sartore RC, da Costa RM, Schitine CS,Freitas HR, Murgu M, de Melo Reis RA, Rehen SK, Martins-de-Souza D. Human Cerebral Organoids and Fetal Brain Tissue Share Proteomic Similarities. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2019 Nov 28;7:303.
doi: 10.3389/fcell.2019.00303

Cassoli JS, Brandão-Teles C, G Santana A, H M F Souza G, Martins-de-Souza D. Ion Mobility-Enhanced Data-Independent Acquisitions Enable a Deep Proteomic Landscape of Oligodendrocytes. Proteomics. 2017 Nov;17(21).
doi: 10.1002/pmic.201700209

Martins-de-Souza D, Maccarrone G, Ising M, Kloiber S, Lucae S, Holsboer F, Turck CW. Blood mononuclear cell proteome suggests integrin and Ras signaling as critical pathways for antidepressant treatment response. Biol Psychiatry. 2014 Oct 1;76(7):e15-7.
doi: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2014.01.022

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