Ronald Fischer

Ronald Fischer


Our group focuses on the interplay between culture, cognition and behavior. We are using experimental and observational methods in both lab and field studies to examine how individual differences in values, personality and non-ordinary experiences function within and between different human populations. Acknowledging the complexity of studying human behavior and cognition, we use transdisciplinary methods and theories to probe multi-level interactions between individuals, communities and ecology, with a particular focus on mental health. We believe that by improving insights into the interplay between individual and cultural dynamics over time we can help improve the wellbeing, creative potential and social connectedness of individuals within their communities.

Keywords: culture, values, non-ordinary experiences, personality, morality, evolution


DPhil Social Psychology, Sussex University, United Kingdom





Research Grants Council Hong Kong, Social Science (Psychology & Linguistics; Early and Distinguished Researcher Awards Panel; 3 year appointment) (2021-2024)

Lead writer V20 Global Values Forum (Ryadh, Saudi Arabia) (2020)

President-Elect, International Association for Applied Psychology (Political Psychology Division), IAAP is oldest and largest international association of psychologists; operates as a non-governmental organization (NGO) of psychologists around the world, that is accredited to the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and affiliated with the Department of Global Communications (DGC). (2020

Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand Te Apārangi (2019)

Fellow of the Association for Psychological Science, largest international association dedicated to the advancement of the scientific study of psychology. (2014)

Selected Publications

Fischer, R. & Karl, J.A. (2022). Unravelling values and wellbeing – disentangling within- and between-person dynamics via a psychometric network perspective. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Online ahead of print.
doi: 10.1037/pspp0000449

Fischer, R. & Karl, J.A. (2022). Predicting behavioral intentions to prevent or mitigate COVID-19: A cross-cultural meta-analysis of attitudes, norms and perceived behavioral control effects. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 13 (1), 264-276.
doi: 10.1177/19485506211019844

Fischer, R., Karl, J. A., & Pilati, R. (2022). Cultural Syndromes in a Changing World: A Longitudinal Investigation of Brazilian Jeitinho Social Problem-Solving Strategies. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin, 48(10), 1423–1437.
doi: 10.1177/01461672211043385

Sneddon, J., Daniel, E., Fischer, R., & Lee, J.A. (2022). The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on environmental values. Sustainability Science. 17, 2155–2163.
doi: 10.1007/s11625-022-01151-w

Daniel, E., Bardi, A., Fischer, R., Benish-Weisman, M. & Lee, J.A. (2021). Changes in personal values in pandemic times. Social Psychological and Personality Science. 13(2), 572–582.
doi: 10.1177/19485506211024026

Brockington, G., Moreira, A. P.G., Buso, M.S., Gomes da Silva, S., Altszyler, E., Fischer, R., &  Moll, J. (2021). Storytelling increases oxytocin and positive emotions and decreases cortisol and pain in hospitalized children. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Jun 2021, 118 (22) e2018409118;
doi: 10.1073/pnas.2018409118

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