This Thursday, 11/24, the D’Or Institute for Research and Education (IDOR) received at our head office in Botafogo/RJ an international guest, Dr. Marta Ribasés presented a lecture for the listeners. The meeting took place in the Auditorium for the present public and online for remote participants. The introduction fell to Dr. Paulo Mattos, a research psychiatrist at IDOR and the Centro de Neuropsicologia Aplicada (CNA).
Dr. Marta Ribasés is a senior researcher in the Psychiatry, Mental Health, and Addiction Group at the Vall d’Hebron Research Institute, where she directs the Psychiatric Genetics Unit. With more than 20 years of experience in biomedical research, her investigations relate to the interactions of genetic and environmental factors and their role in psychiatric disorders across the lifespan.
The researcher emphasizes that her main objective is to reinforce that psychiatric illnesses are biological conditions and untangle stereotypes imposed on individuals.
In her presentation, the speaker reported on psychiatric illnesses that appear in common in the same family, suggesting a genetic relationship. Dr. Ribasés also demonstrated how these neurological disorders affect the quality and life expectancy.
Using genomic analysis data – responsible for detecting changes in genes -, she noted that there is an impact of common genetic variants that accumulate in these neurological disorders.
Dr. Paulo Mattos e Dra. Marta Ribasés